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Products: Lodi Metal Tech
Inc. - Cantilever Rack Systems |
Rack Systems |
The cantilever rack is a multi level, high
storage, high cube specialty steel rack, designed to handle
hundreds of different types and sizes of products with freedom
from upright column interference - easier product removal
and replacement. The cantilever racks are custom furnished
in a broad range of designs to suit almost any requirement
needed for warehouse heights, lengths, and aisle widths plus
a multitude of other space and cost saving aspects.
A cantilever rack is ideal for storing items of nonuniform
size, items easily susceptible to damage, and items or materials
that tend to be great in length.
Examples include: pipe and tubing, appliances, lumber and
wood products, furniture, merchandise in large boxes, bar
stock and rods
Fast, no-tool assembly
Bracket pins engage and lock from both sides in a controlled
position - the bracket inserted inward and seats down
into the body of the upright corners clamping the arm
bracket securely to the column - As the load is increased,
a greater clamping action is applied with all flat surfaces
in contact, creating more rigidity in the solid interlocking
of the two parts.
Load Capability
The BIG Space Saver In Modern Storage
No upright is ever in the way to obstruct or restrict
horizontal storage. No space is lost between products.
Greater maneuverability of handling equipment is provided.
Unmatched Flexibility for Varying Storage Needs!
Arms are quickly and easily removed and replaced. Their
ALL-IN-ONE design removes all possibility of human error,
Arm levels are independent of each other. Shelving can
be as deep and high as required - on either side.
Full Range of Load Capabilities
Far greater load carrying capacity in a given design
Minimum initial assembly time... a faster, ready-to-use
storage installation.
Safety-arm connections provide greater rigidity and
resistance to external force than in any comparable
design. |