Model ART is a uniquely-designed modular plastic belt conveyor.
The modular belt is unique in that it is fitted with rollers
having diameters extending through both the top and bottom
surfaces of the belt. As the belt is moved along the conveyor,
these rollers rotate and convey the load at a higher speed
than that of the belt. Furthermore, these rollers are positioned
at an angle to the belt length so as to convey the load angularly
to the conveyor length. This enhanced speed and angular product
flow on the Model ART makes it the ideal conveyor for many
material flow challenges.
- Modular plastic angled roller top belt
- Variable frequency drive provides soft start and flexible
speed control
- Flexible belt configuration for applications including:
~ product justification
~ product centering
~ product merging
~ product descrambling
Product Justification
Products may be justified either to the right or to the left
as they are conveyed on the Model ART. Simply install the
angle roller top belt with all rollers angled to the right
or to the left and products may be justified against a low
friction guard rail as they are conveyed. Products travel
approximately 50-60% faster than the belt travels, depending
on friction of the product on the guard rail.

Product Centering
Products may be centered as they are conveyed on the Model
ART. For product centering, two belts are installed side-by-side
with each having rollers set at opposite angles and angled
toward the center in a herringbone fashion. Products travel
up to 60% faster than the belt speed and exit the Model
ART in the center of the conveyor width. |

Product Merging
The Model ART may be configured for merging products from
multiple parallel conveyor lines into a single line or from
conveyor lines positioned at an angle to a main trunk line
and located at various positions along its length.
Merging Multiple Conveyor Lines
Conveyors feed product onto an ART with rollers angled
in a single direction for offset discharge or onto an
ART with two parallel belts with rollers angled toward
the center for a center discharge.

Merging at Various Locations along the Conveyor
In many situations the ART can provide simple merge solution
without the cost of electrical merge control. When merging
products enter the main line next to an existing product,
they simply compete for the same location until one moves
ahead and the other falls behind. The speed of the main line
must be sufficient to provide adequate gaps in order to accommodate
the merging product at any point. The following diagrams illustrate
some possible configurations of merge applications.

Product Descrambling
Many times products get scrambled or side-by-side when being
conveyed. This is especially true when handling small or unevenly
weighted products, particularly at high speeds. This presents
a real challenge when the need arises to sort these scrambled
products. The Model ART can be utilized very effectively in
descrambling products prior to sort operations when other
methods may not be cost effective. The configuration of the
ART or ART system will vary depending on the particular throughput
demands and product sizes that need descrambling. The following
diagrams show a few possible layouts for effectively descrambling

is a publication by Hytrol Conveyor Company, Inc. - Effective
January 2004
All Materials Copyright 2004-2005 Hytrol Conveyor Company, Inc. |