The ProSort MRT family of sorters is specifically designed to handle medium sized product and is capable of high throughput rates. The ProSort MRT 90° makes use of multiple narrow belts to transport items. It is equipped with right-angle rollers that rise between the belts to divert items off the unit and is designed for dual-sided diverting. With the ProSort MRT 30° wheels rise between the belts to transfer items at 30 degree angles for increased rates. The sorters are designed with individual pneumatic take-ups for consistent belt tensioning and are equipped with the HyPower distributed cabling system. Applications include but a re not limited to quality control stations, manual palletizing, automated and robotic palletizers, and value-added workstations.
- High-sort rates
- 2 optional divert angles
- 1 in wide flexproof araminde belt
- Plug-N-Go® Wiring
- High-efficiency gearmotor
- ProLogix® & ProLogix Plus controls
- Close divert centers
- HyPower distributed cable system
- Load weight up to 75 lbs
- Capable of 350 FPM
- Flexible divert locations
- Dual-sided 90° divert
To learn more about Hytrol's ProSort MRT, download the
Product Focus Sheet.